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Liv-Connected, a modular construction company, is hard at work trying to solve the country’s housing crisis. Their solution? A customizable, prefabricated home that can be assembled on-site in four hours. The company was founded in 2019 by physician Herbert Rogove—an early proponent of tel
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Shoppers filled the aisles of the DC Big Flea on the afternoon of the opening day.
Review & Photos by Tania Kirkman
CHANTILLY, VA. – On the heels of a January show cancellation due to surging Covid-19 cases, the DC Big Flea was once again able to safely open its doors and
Free tours of the Wyckoff-Garretson House & Museum, which dates back to 1730, will be held the second Sunday of every month, through October.
Docent-led tours are held from 1-4 p.m. at the house, 215 South Middlebush Road, Somerset.
For more information, visit themeadowsfound